Give us a call or come visit us
Let's start talking


Madriko Centre

Oostewal Road,

Langebaan, 7357

Business hours

Mon-Fri: 09:00 - 17:00

Sat: 09:00 - 13:00



Answering your most asked questions

You can always give us a call if you have a question and we did not include it here.

Can I book-in my bicycle?

We work on a "first-come first-serve" basis. You bring in you bike and we book it in, then we work our way up the queue.

The earlier you bring your bike the faster you receive your bike.

I brought in my bike, how long will it take?

It depends on the work that needs to be done on the bike and in what season we're in. In busy seasons (Holidays and Decembers) our throughput is expected to be slower due to backlog.

Generally speaking we can get your bike back to you in 2-3 work days. When we are in season this can take as long as a week (rarely the case). We always strive to get your bike back to you as fast as possible.

Do you guys do rentals, how does that work?

Yes! We have about 7 rentals you can rent from us. We cater for the general public so please do not expect a high-end bike.

When you rent a bike from us we will need your ID and a deposit. Our rates are based on a per-day basis and payments are done in cash only.

Can I get a quote to fix my bike?

Giving quotes are hard when there is a big queue. What we usually do is ask you to bring in your bike. This gives us the opportunity to give you an estimate on the costs required to fix your bike based on your specific needs.

Can I bring my bike in for a quick service?

It would be better if you bring in your bike to allow us to inspect it. Usually all the bike needs is some form of adjustment with a Pro wash and lube.

If your bike needs a full service we'll tell you and advice you on what to do next.

Do you guys buy second hand bikes?

When you have a bike that you want to sell, you can bring the bike in. This allows us to see what the bike is worth. We put the bike on the floor for you and our trained sales team sells the bike on your behalf. The shop takes a commission only after the bike has been sold.

The retail price of the bike is ultimately based on what you end up deciding, we do give you advice on what the best retail price for the bike will be.

All costs required to fix the bike must be covered by the owner of the bike.